Everyday we receive hundreds of visitors who have been newly introduced to baby sign language by a friend, relative, news venue or favorite mommy blogger. Many are just stopping by to take advantage of the largest database of free baby sign language resources, others are searching solutions to specific challenges they are encountering as they work with baby to teach her first signs.
If you are a first time mama about to begin your baby sign language adventure you might want to take a look at the F.R.E.E method for Baby Sign Language within five minutes we are confident you are going to have what it takes to get baby started. Once you have reviewed the basics of teaching and learning baby sign language if you want to dig deeper and learn more methods consider taking our free baby sign language online course. After enjoying seven simple baby sign language lessons your confidence level will be way up!
While the majority of learning processes are related to methodology we all want to have tools. If you are looking for practical tools to teach baby sign language these are our four favorite ones:
Music & Song
Studies have shown that even within the womb babies respond to music. Many researchers stand by the “Mozart effect” and credit exposure to classical music as a factor in increased I.Q. Babies have a natural sense of rhythm and incorporating music in the process of language learning will improve associations as well as provide a model for speech cadence. Pick contextual songs associated to the daily activities in the life of your baby. To give you some examples you might want to include bath songs, eating songs, and diaper-changing songs to name a few. Our premium kit includes all four Signing Time DVDs, which will expose baby to words, and concepts that will facilitate his transition to early childhood education. You can also incorporate signs to the songs and rhymes you already share with baby. Don’t fret if you don’t have a sign for every single word in the song. Pick words that are relevant to baby and are easy to sign for their developmental stage.
Family & Friends
This is the most readily available and most effective tool to teach baby sign language. With proper consistent and contextual reinforcement babies learn much faster. Little ones with older siblings who have used BSL are in luck! Those with grandparents willing to learn and engage baby in this new adventure have an extra advantage. Moms & dads that work together can help baby achieve his first sign much faster.
Feeding their Senses
A key element of how babies engage with the world is the tactile experience. To that end we often see babies placing things in their mouth to get a sense of texture and shape. As babies develop they begin to use their hands to engage with the world and get to know objects around them. In addition to tactile feedback babies become more and more engaged with visual feedback. As you work with baby in teaching him his first signs incorporate visuals in the form of flashcards, toys and objects of daily use.
Taste Matters Too
If you ask most moms and dads it is not uncommon for baby to first sign food items. A wonderful and practical tool to teach baby sign language is to reward baby with their favorite snack. For us that often meant frozen blueberries and tasty crackers. This is the most readily available tool and one that truly meets a basic need. Give it a try!