Usage: Again is better taught from real world interactions, rather than from a flash card. When you are doing something fun with baby, like tickling baby or playing peek-a-boo, sign again before you repeat the activity. Soon baby will learn to sign again independently to get you to do the activity again.
To learn how and when to teach the sign, take a look at the again page for a video, diagram, and tutorial.
Related Flash Cards: More
I baby-sit many children: 3 who use sign language. I am now fluent in sign language. One day, I was babysitting for kids which were separated into two different families. One girl who spoke sign language wanted to play with the kids, but she was nervous that they would make fun of her because of her sign language. I told her to try to play with them anyways. Next thing I knew, after at least five or six minutes, the other three children wanted to learn sign language also — which made me feel so much prouder. So after at least three or four more weeks of me giving them sign language classes, they almost spoke as fluently as she did! Their parents didn’t understand why I did it. They only thought the kids would get made fun of now, but to be honest, they found out that sign language can be a lot more helpful in the world and ended up being happy that I showed the kids what I knew, and it made me and the other kids happy as well.
My baby girl signed her first sign today. EAT.. suddenly out of the blue and has used it several times today. I am so proud and excited to teach her new signs. At first I felt like a crazy person and my family didn’t understand why I would teach her sign language, we had a day with no crying or screaming at dinner time..now they see.
As an Early Interventionist I learned basic signs that I used with the families I worked with. Now as a parent of a 11 month old, I started signing with her at 6 months. She can now sign “all done, more, eat, shoes, drink, bye-bye” she loves to use them knowing that her mommy, daddy, and brother can understand her.
My youngest is 5 1/2 months old- I started Baby Sign Language with her at 3 1/2 months of age. She watches very closely though she has yet to make a sign. My older daughter is now 5 1/2 and I took her to baby signs class when she was 5 1/2 months old and within a couple of months she was using many of the signs and she was talking fluently before she was a year old. I’m hoping that the same goes true with my baby. Baby Sign language is awesome!