My husband calls it “toddlerhood”. Others call it the terrible twos and tremendous threes. It is during these years our little ones develop an insatiable curiosity for learning and endless drive to play.
When it comes to baby sign language there are signs we can incorporate with ease on our day-to-day activities. Other signs prove to be difficult in terms of availability in context. Let’s face it; our fruit bowl normally has three staple fruits but we aspire for our little one to sign the whole cornucopia. We want to teach them bugs and animals but we are far from museums and zoological parks.
Daniela, a play therapist by profession and a BSL aficionado shared with us three simple games she uses with her daughter aimed at enriching her BSL vocabulary.
The Lion Roars
For this game you will need an older sibling or friend, good knowledge of onomatopoeic words like “woof” and “oink” and a signing baby.
Have the older child imitate an animal in movement and sound and encourage the younger child to use the proper sign. Reward and celebrate achievement.
We Go Places
For this game you will need toy cars, planes, boats, bikes etc in a really small scale. (think hot wheels). A basket, a bowl and a box.
Place a pile of transportation related toys in front of your toddler. Sign and mimic a type of transportation and ask your toddler to place it in the box, bowl or basket. Reward and celebrate your baby when he identifies the right object and places the object in the proper container.
Market Discovery
Pick a variety of cut fruit at your local gourmet supermarket salad bar. Place the little pieces of fruit in small colorful bowls. (I got mine at IKEA). Show your baby the fruit bowl and sign the proper sign. Allow your baby to taste just a bit from each bowl as you repeat and sign the fruit name. Place the bowls slightly out of reach and try to have your baby sign their choice while you ask and present each variety.
Have fun!
Help us out. Tell us about your own games by leaving a comment