Five Things Little Hands Should Learn

Here at baby sign language we encourage baby sign language as a tool of bonding, but most importantly we know signing babies are less frustrated babies because their chore needs are understood and met. Beyond chore needs it is essential that we encourage and train little hands to reach out, serve, love, help and encourage.

When I was a little girl my mom would often sit us around the table and read poetry. Even today, I can recite a poem by Gabriela Mistral a chilean writer who was awarded the 1945 Nobel Prize. The poem is titled “manitas”, “Little hands”.

Little Hands have great potential and I want to encourage you to explore various avenues as you work with your baby to equip them with valuable skills for a happy and productive life.

Little Hands can Give

As soon as your toddler can hold and release take every possible opportunity to teach generosity and charity. From the Salvation Army bucket to the homeless person on the street. Show your child the joy of giving.

Little Hands are Useful

Integrate your toddler to family chores by assigning small tasks. Taking the diaper to the pail or helping load spoons into the dishwasher.

Little Hands Love

Grab every possible chance  to teach your child gentle loving touch. From petting a puppy to comforting a sick or injured friend, or family member.

Little Hands Collaborate

Larger tasks are conquered if we work together. Show your toddler the magic of team work by giving him opportunities to use his hands in tasks that are better achieved if we work together. From folding large items to moving things around as a team to finish quicker.

Little Hands Can Encourage

Teach your child the joy of clapping, cheering and celebrating his victories and victories of others.


Here is to the shaping of men and women with honorable hands willing to change the world!


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