I Want to Leave a Better World for my Baby-Environmental Practices That Make Sense

Photo Credit: ArminLWe are bombarded daily with words such as sustainability, carbon footprint, eco-friendliness recycling & up-cycling. The decisions we make every hour will impact the world we leave behind for our little ones. How do we make our green choices?

First we need to understand that one is not better than the other but rather each situation in life demands an evaluation in order to match it with the best environmental practice.

We want the best for our babies now but we also want to leave a better planet. Often parents are faced with decisions that will demand discernment. Let me share a few:


Car Seat. Do we Pick New or Recycled?

This is a no-brainer. A crack, loose pieces or hidden damage could jeopardize the safety of your baby. In the case of car seats safety goes first. Go for a new one.


Diapers. Is it cloth or disposable?

For cost as well as environmental reasons cloth diapers are the way to go. By the time babies are out of diapers the footprint to the environment is massive. With over 7,000 diapers used per baby during the diapering stage we are indeed lending mother earth a hand by cloth diapering.

New Clothes or hand-me-downs?

This is a wonderful way to create community, save money and make a huge difference. Babies wear sizes for a very short time resulting in very little wear-and-tear of clothing items, furthermore the natural wear of baby clothing results in a softer piece. Go ahead give and receive. This is a good all-around green practice worth your time and effort.

Organic/Sustainable Toys?

By making organic and sustainable selections we are not only protecting our babies from harmful chemicals but we are also often contributing toward local economies and instilling a culture of simplicity in the hearts of our children.

Today is a good day to start on a green baby path. Begin small and incorporate green behaviors one at the time. The world’s greatest changes have been made by the small contribution of many.



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