This is the first in series of posts we are going to do about reader’s experiences with baby sign language. Christi, shared with us this incredibly cute video of her son Wyatt doing more, one of his first signs. Check out the video and read Wyatt’s signing story.

I found out about Baby Sign Language through Facebook- my cousin liked the Baby Sign Language page, and after checking it out, I did too. I saw a video clip of a little girl signing a lot- and I thought I’d try it out. I purchased the Deluxe Kit and read the Quick Start Guide. My husband and I started signing mom, dad, and milk when he was five months old. To be honest we were not consistent with it, and signing fell to the wayside.
Fast-forward a few months. Wyatt started eating food and I introduced the sign for more. I began just by asking if he wanted more, doing the sign, and then giving him a spoonful of food. Some days I signed, some days I didn’t. After a few weeks of doing that I’d ask him, take his hands and make the sign with his hands. I would get excited and say yeah! more! and give him a spoonful of food. When he was 7 months he did his first sign- mimicking me! I was SO excited… and what was so sweet was Wyatt was excited too! Now, just a few weeks later, when I ask him (without signing it) he responds with the sign! We are VERY proud parents! The video I took was just after he started mimicking me.
We are now working on all done, mom, dad, and milk. I’m so excited to see progress – and you can really see him soaking it in and thinking! I believe in this program and can’t wait to see how this helps Wyatt communicate with us and express his needs! Little ones are such sponges, are curious, and want to learn. If we can do it- you can too!