Khloie is the second star of our signing stories series. Nicole and her daughter Khloie started signing at 8 months. Read how they got started and check out the video of Khloie showing us how it’s done!

I got interested in BSL when I went to a friend’s house and her 9 month old baby was eating and making these hand movements and her mom was like okay, hold on, I’m getting your milk. I asked her how in the world did you know what she wanted and when I found out she had taught her sign language I was amazed.
I thought it was awesome that she knew exactly what her baby wanted. So when I got pregnant like 3 years later I was excited to try it. I first started consistently introducing signs when she was about 8 months, I had done it a few times before but it wasn’t routine yet. I started with milk and more. I breastfed so whenever I would nurse her I would be signing for milk and saying milk. And when I fed her her Gerber jars, I would sign for more before I gave her some.
When I started it’s amazing how much they pay attention because half the time I never thought she was, but about 3 weeks later she started signing for milk and a couple weeks after that she was signing for more.
Khloie is now 17 months old and knows over 10 signs. Now she’s catching on way faster than I can keep up because it doesn’t take as long to learn a new sign. I feel it has even improved her talking abilities because she will sign what she’s wanting and try to say it. Right now we’re working on learning the sign sorry and thank you.
I would say if anyone is interested in learning BSL to not give up and be patient. It’s so rewarding and they’ll start signing back out of nowhere!