We have already explored the best signs for babies to learn before going camping and to get ready for playground interaction. These activities while fun, don’t take place as frequently as dining out plus the setting allows little ones more freedom related to their behavior and mobility.

Today we are going to work on our baby signs for a type of outing that can sometimes be stressful as we work toward teaching our little ones gentleness, quiet interaction and good table manners. The final goal is to make sure our babies and toddlers enjoy their dining experience while allowing others at their table and around them to also enjoy the moment.
Signing with your baby in this context is extra important. It allows you to replace constant verbal reinforcement that sometimes can distract and interrupt other diners with a more subtle and child-friendly form of communication.
Let’s get our printers ready and build our dining out flashcard set:
Baby Sign Language for Restaurants
Working on teaching our babies and toddlers how to best behave at restaurants requires, time, patience, love and discipline. Please feel free to leave your best tips in the comments.