We hope you are looking forward to this awesome evening as much as we are. Because we love your babies and we want you to have an uneventful holiday please take note of the following quick tips for safety and pass them along. You may just save a life or prevent a serious accident.

- Make sure your baby is dressed warm enough to be outside. Don’t sacrifice their comfort for the sake of a cool halloween costume.
- Hard candies are a no-no. Check their trick or treat baggie and make sure what they get to keep is age appropriate.
- If your baby is of walking age and he is coming along for trick-or-treat activities with older siblings never, ever let go of their hand. Better yet, use a stroller or a baby harness.
- Light up your baby with flourecent or reflective materials to make them visible but do keep in mind that some glow sticks are toxic.
- If your baby has an upper respiratory condition or cough consider staying indoors. You will have many other chances in the future.
- Keep it simple and only visit a few trusted neighbors.
- Make sure their costume is flame-retardant.
- Decline or discard homemade treats unless they come from a trusted party.
- If your toddler has peanut allergies don’t expose them to treats. Many have been in contact with nuts on the exterior of the package.
- Trunk-o-treats and fall festivals tend to be better lighted and safer for the whole family. Consider the option during this season in life.