One of our sweet friends asked us to publish this letter. If you are in Farmington Hills Michigan please share:

Dear Lady Wearing The Red Sweater,
Having four kids under five is no easy task. As a SAHM I am most frequently delighted but sometimes, when everyone has had a long day I am not at my best.
Last week I was at Hiller’s trying to do some pre-Thanksgiving grocery shopping with all four of my little angels in tow. When my toddler started to scream and my four year old ran down the aisle you made the choice to approach us instead of looking the other way. You did not care that my baby had sticky fingers nor did you mind how she decided to pull your beautiful CLEAN long hair. There you were, so perfectly put together with all manner of gourmet food in your cart that told me there were no kids waiting at home. Your gorgeous red sweater reminded me of my days as a working executive. You from all people, the one that looked the busiest and most important stopped and cared about this mother’s dilemma.
By the time I was able to catch my runaway child you had a hold of the cheerios bag and were signing “more“, “please” and “thank you” with my little Abby. She was thrilled!!
I asked where you had learned baby sign language and you told me about this website, you also mentioned how you work with little ones and use baby sign language as part of their early child development curriculum. Before I knew it my kids were acting up and I forgot to say thank you.
I hope you see this note. To me that day you made a world of difference. I am grateful for people like you that decide to freely give their time without passing judgement and engage with others at their level. I did not ask your name. I wish I had but if perchance you see this note know that my family and I are deeply thankful. To me you were a breath of fresh air!
Happy Thanksgiving Lady in the Red Sweater
Barb & Her 4 Kids