Baby Alastair Signs Over 40 different Baby Signs at 15 Months Old. Read His Story & Watch His Video

When will my baby start using baby sign language?

If you are visiting our website chances are you are already hard at work teaching your baby basic baby signs or you are further along in your journey and you are wondering if your baby is progressing at a “normal” pace. We have all asked ourselves the same question and the best way to give you some idea where you stand progress-wise is to share testimonies of other moms who have made it a point to document their baby sign language journey.

As you read Norah’s testimony please remember that learning and teaching styles are different. Communicational needs also vary from family to family. With that in mind here are Norah’s observations and teaching approach with baby Alastair:

“We began signing to Alastair when he was 3 months old

we kept adding signs even when he did not sign back”


“Alastair began signing back to us when he was 11 months old”


“Alastair is consistent with favorite signs such as yes, kitty, more, dog and please”


“Since 13 months he has been putting them together – “sleep dad” when dad is asleep, “milk sleep” when he wants to nurse to sleep.  This experience has been wonderful and we look forward to continuing to sign with him and watch him absorb it all.”


“At 15 months all Alastair can sign over 40 signs”

Norah’s tells us that Alastair loves Baby Signing Time videos. She had no plans on introducing him to screen time until he was two but he shows great love toward the show and even signs the sign for “time” when he wants to spend time watching Rachel and singing along. Alastair and his mom Norah used the Premium Baby Sign Language Kit in combination with our printable resources. Soon, he will be verbal and baby sign language will be replaced by beautiful words that can be supported with the sign for clarity until he can enunciate with clarity.

Have a baby sign language story? send it to [email protected]

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