Harsh weather and snow has arrived to many places and with it the challenges of keeping your sanity and keeping your baby engaged, happy and busy when you are trapped indoors.
Just like adults, little ones also need stimulation and sunshine to remain healthy and strong. In some areas of the country outdoorsy activities are no longer an option once the snow hits or days become too short, too windy or too cold. If this is what you are experiencing and cabin fever has you at the end of your mama rope we want to let you know that there is hope. Being indoors does not mean that the fun needs to stop. Grab your baby sign language flash cards, and join us as we take advantage of the versatility of this wonderful teaching resource.
Learn Holiday Baby Signs
Christmas is around the corner and this is a great time to familiarize your baby with signs that are only relevant during the season. Print our most used holiday signs and practice with your baby through the use of signs while learning holiday songs
Play a Match The Card, Sign & Object Scavenger Hunt
Pick 10 cards of objects familiar to your toddler and have him locate the objects around the house. When your baby locates the object repeat the word and guide them through hand modeling as you introduce them to the signs.
Create Card Groupings And Focus on a Theme
We love to introduce our babies to categorizing by sorting the cards by group. We have a stack with animals, one with food items and another one with locations such as kitchen and bathroom. We select a grouping and guide our babies through play dynamics such as guess the sign.
Learn Signs for Extended Family Members
Winter is the time when we visit and get to know our extended family. Take advantage of this opportunity to introduce your baby to signs like aunt, uncle, cousin, nephew etc. Consider posting pictures of different family members and practice the sign combined with the first initial of each family member. This is a fantastic way to learn the alphabet and become familiar with abstract concepts that teach your baby to identify how they relate to others within their family circle.
If you want to go to the next level and keep your child busy while learning and staying stimulated, consider purchasing the Ultra Baby Sign Language Kit which contains numerous resources inclusive of DVDs from the Baby Signing Times Collection a classic you don’t want to miss