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Learn to sign in 5 minutes.
Understand the needs of your baby, before it can speak!

About Us

BabySignLanguage.com is a project for parents teaching infants and toddlers early communication skills. We believe that early communication sets the foundation for accelerated learning, reduced frustration, and a closer relationship between parent and child.

Our website contains baby sign language resources designed around the pedagogical needs of infants and toddlers. In everything we do we take into account the daily challenges confronted by new parents as they attempt to equip their babies with the tools to thrive.

This site was founded when we started teaching our own children how to sign. Our kids loved signing and we loved being able to share in their lives. After hundreds of shared secrets and averted tantrums we can’t understand how any parent could live without Baby Sign Language. We told everyone, and so our friends laid down the challenge, “why don’t you teach every parent Baby Sign Language?”

We are constantly evolving and appreciate all feedback. We want to be a resource for every parent who wants to start communicating with their pre-verbal child through sign language. So send us your questions, comments, and concerns. We love hearing from you!

[email protected] Mey Lau
Lila Retnasaba
Brooke Parker
About Baby Sign Language

We are constantly evolving and appreciate all feedback. We want to be a resource for every parent who wants to start communicating with their pre-verbal child through sign language. So send us your questions, comments, and concerns. We love hearing from you!

questions? Mey Lau
Lila Retnasaba
Brooke Parker
Mey Lau
Lila Retnasaba
Brooke Parker


80 Responses to “About Us”

  1. anna afanasieva-demaggio

    My baby is 3 weeks old. what’s the best age to start introducing the sign language? thanks.

    ADMIN – Hi Anna,

    I think 6 – 9 months is a good age range to start. When you start at that age, they will usually pick it up in a reasonable timeframe (1-3 months)

    You can start much earlier, but you have to be more patient. When you start with a newborn, you could easily be waiting six months to see the first sign back.

  2. Julie Harshman

    My grandson is three and was recently diagnosed with autism. Right now he has no verbal communication. Your website was referred to us by one of his specialists as a way to start him communicating. I was wondering if you had an app for iPads that can be downloaded with your materials? Please let me know.

  3. tina

    Is the kit available in Europe? I would like to avoid high postal costs ;).

    ADMIN – Hi Tina,

    The kit is available in Europe, we ship worldwide. The postage cost is significant, because the kit is heavy.

  4. Susan

    Hi there!
    I just got here from a link from the bloggess. My baby is 22 now, severely autistic with very low verbal skills. We used (and still use) signs with verbal support, written words, everything we could to communicate. Your materials look very nice for starters and I wholeheartedly support the movement. If you think about it you might want to add information about supporting sign across the child’s world. Teach everyone who touches your child’s life know what signs he knows–care givers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, the mailman, the teller at the grocery store, every child at every playdate–everyone!

  5. Jan

    I’ve been trying for the last two hours to order your deluxe baby sign language kit for 39.95, Evertyime I try to add to my cart it takes me to a screen that says no items in my cart. Are you experiencing problems with people ordering this? Do you have an office phone number I can call to order this? Your help would be greatly appreciated.

    ADMIN – Hi Jan,

    Sorry to hear you were having trouble with our cart. You can place your order by phone on: (855) 827-5275.

    Could you tell us what kind of computer and what kind of browser you are using? It would help us fix the bug you experienced.

  6. Reihannah

    This is brilliant! My Mashel is just turning 4 months. I’m excited to teach her signs! 🙂

  7. Kathleen Redmond

    Do you have a Spanish version? We use baby signs at our center and would like to help our hispanic parents.

    ADMIN – Hi Kathleen,

    We don’t have Spanish Sign Language, but many people teaching Baby Sign Language will simply use the American Sign Language signs.

  8. Michelle

    My 15-month-old daughter has a signing vocabulary of approximately 20 words. She easily strings 2-3 words together to ask for what she wants. For example, she’ll sign “more, crackers, please.” We love the manners that she conveys through signing, as please and thank you are two of her favorites! She quickly and easily learns new signs, and we are now working with her on signing and saying at the same time. She much prefers to sign! Thank you for the excellent videos–we watch them together to learn new signs.

  9. Kara

    I am so grateful for your website! My 10 month old uses signs to tell me when he is hungry, wants more, or is all done, and we are both learning more all the time. It’s making our relationship more fun and way less frustrated. Thanks again!

  10. Kelsey

    What is the relationship between Baby Sign Language and ASL? Since my husband is hard of hearing and has Deaf relatives, we already had an interest in learning ASL. Teaching signs to our baby girl (6months old now) seems like a great way to get started–so we’re looking for a program that will introduce us AND our daughter to signing in a way that we can (hopefully!) continue once she outgrows baby sign.

    ADMIN – Hi Kelsey,

    Most Baby Sign Language programs (including ours) use ASL for the signs. So teaching your baby these signs would get you both a good starting vocabulary for ASL. You would of course want to also take some ASL lessons because it has a different grammar to English, so knowing just the words is not enough.

  11. Patricia Dascher

    My grandson Joshua will be three years old in November 2013. He does not speak and makes few if any sounds. Joshua is very intelligent in other areas. Puzzles, what and where things are, feeding the dog, etc.

    The speech therapist said to try Sign Language. I tried sign language this morning and he made the letter A. When I showed him O he said the letter O.

  12. nancy

    My son is 2 year’s old and I been doing sign language with him because he can’t talk like my other kids can, because of his hearing.

  13. Mary Ann Mark

    You have a wonderful website. I love the way you have simplified the way one can learn and teach sign language to our children. I am asking for permission to use your sign language on my lesson plans that I create for other teachers to use in their classrooms. I list my lesson plans on a site called Teachers Pay Teachers. If you allow me to use your pictures and signs I will gladly give your site credit. I took sign language in collage and I have taught my children to sign. I think teaching children…even those that can hear and speak….benefits from learning and speaking sign language. Being able to sign is a wonderful gift that I would love to share with others. Your site has the best posters, pictures and information. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Mary Ann Mark

    ADMIN – Hi Mary Ann,

    Thank you for your kind words. We are happy for people to use these materials for non-commercial purposes. But, it sounds like you were planning to sell these lesson plans that you are creating. That is not something we would be comfortable with.

  14. Kris

    I learned a little of this from my babysitter when I was about 8 years old because she used it with her son. then some of my friends have been using it with their children and I started to remember using this. my oldest is almost 2 years old and I am starting it with her, because she (and me when she cant tell me what she wants) is getting very frustrated about not being understood. so this is starting to help us a lot.

    She is starting to potty train and doesn’t like the word diaper. she uses training pants and her baby sister uses diapers. so when I sign diaper for a change she gets upset. so we say time to change your training pants or time to change your butt. is there something else I can use for her instead of the diaper sign? is there a sign for training pants or for butt?

    thank for any help


    ADMIN – Hi Kris,

    The ASL sign for bottom is easy, you just point at your bottom. You take your pointer finger and point at your bottom from behind.

  15. Jennifer Comerci

    My husband and I love your website and it has been a tremendous help in working with our 20 month old triplets! I was wondering if you could tell me the signs for seashell and sand. I do not know if signs exist for these words but please let me know if they do.


    Jennifer Comerci

    ADMIN – Hi Jennifer,

    Seashell is sea + shell. To make sea, you make you make waves with your hands. To make shell you knock your curled middle finger on your dominant against you non-dominant hand made into a fist.

    Sand is the same sign as dirt. You touch your thumbs to your fingers and rub them as if you were feeling some sand in your fingertips.

  16. Hannah

    Hi I just discovered this site and I really wanted to try signing with my baby girl, she just turned 7 months old. I was wondering if it was too late to start it with her… ?

    ADMIN – Hi Hannah,

    You are right in the sweet spot. Anywhere from 6-9 months is a great time to start.

  17. Nancy

    Wondering if you can help me. My mentally handicapped brother knows several baby sign language signs but there are two he keeps doing that I don’t understand. One is with both hands clasped and he brings his arms together up under his chin and hits his chest. The other is he takes one hand with fingers splayed like he’s holding a cigarette and waves near his mouth. Does anyone have any suggestions what these could mean? Mostly he says words having to do with food–pop, ice cream, more, etc. I’ve searched and can’t find these two. Thanks

    ADMIN – Hi Nancy,

    Not sure about the first sign, but the second sign seems like it could be water.

  18. Kathy Agers

    Hello! I am a hearing-impaired specialist for a school district in Tucson, AZ. We are using your flashcards with our preschoolers, the school staff, and the parents. Thanks for your awesome resources!

  19. Seeta

    Hello I am so excited to try this. My son who is 7 weeks old and wanted to ask when can I start teaching him?

    ADMIN – Hi Seeta,

    Congratulations! You can start signing as early as you want would like – with a child that young I would keep it very informal, just sign as you point out things to him and as you go about your daily routine. In the same way that he is absorbing your words, he will be absorbing those signs. A typical time for them to do the first rudimentary return sign is 6-9 months old. So if you start early, you have to be more patient and temper your expectations.

    If you know you are the type of person that is impatient for results and might get discouraged waiting too long, 6 months old is a good time to start because you will start seeing results after about a month.

  20. Mary Jane

    Hello my name is Mary Jane. I found this web site through google. My granddaughter is 3 months old. Only one ear formed so she has one ear that has nerve damage. I would like to learn and teach her how to sign. Communication means a lot to me. My daughter and the baby live with the daddy and his parents. My concern is that they speak to her in Spanish …I and my daughter speak English. Will this be a setback with communication? Please direct me how to teach her to communicate.

    Thank you

    Mary Jane

    ADMIN – Hi Mary Jane,

    Research shows that children are raised bilingual are a little slower to develop their language skills in any one language, but in the long term show better language skills.

    With a child that is going to be signing in a bilingual house, we use a common sign for the Spanish and English word so Baby Sign Language acts as a bridge between the two languages. So if her parents say leche, they would make the sign for milk. Similarly, when you say milk, you would also make the milk sign.

  21. Robyn

    I am looking for the flashcard for the word “friend”. It seems to be missing from your flashcards. 🙁 Any way that could be fixed? I’d much appreciate it!! Thank you!

    ADMIN – Hi Robyn,

    We added friends to the flashcard collection. Thanks for pointing out that important sign!

  22. Brittany P

    I love this website. I do a “Sign of the Day” with the staff members at our early head start organization and I have found this site to be the most helpful. I just want to extend my appreciation and I hope that this site will continue to share baby signs with us and the rest of the internet world. Thank you 🙂

  23. Ann Jovelle Nuque

    Where can I buy it here in the Philippines?

    ADMIN – Hi Ann,

    We ship to the Philippines.

  24. Lauren

    How young can you start teaching a baby sign language?

    ADMIN – Hi Lauren,

    You cannot start signing too early – extra exposure will make signing more familiar. But, if you start very early you need to be more patient because it will take them longer to start signing back. Between six months and eight months is a common time to start, because you will usually see signing within two months.

  25. Colleen

    Is this based off of American Sign Language? I was just wondering. Thank you.

    ADMIN – Hi Colleen,

    Baby sign language as we teach it is almost purely American Sign Language. Occasionally, were there is no ASL sign (i.e. where a word is finger spelled), or where a sign is complex we simplify it for children. But, this is less that 1% of signs and we try to make it clear where we do deviate from ASL.

  26. Emily Bell

    Hi! I actually used your site to learn some basic ASL when I first was learning sign language and I’ve found it every bit as useful being 17 versus a baby. Now I have a niece and I’m teaching her it and she’s picking it up! It’s fantastic, although, my sister hasn’t quite caught on! This is a great program you are running though. Thanks!

  27. Jennifer

    I am just teaching my 5 month old “Mommy” how many days do I do that sign before I move onto another one? Or do I need to wait until he starts doing the mommy sign before moving fwd? Thanks!

    ADMIN – Hi Jennifer,

    If you are just starting, pick five signs that you can repeat lots every day (like Mommy, eat, etc). Keep repeating those signs until baby starts repeating the signs back to you. I would avoid introducing new signs until you start to get traction with the first set of signs.

  28. Sam

    Thanks very much for this free resource. I am very excited to teach my little one how to sign. I was speaking with one mother who started teaching her son around 5 or 6 months. By 9 months he was able to tell her when he had a dirty diaper and wanted a change!

  29. Jessica

    I saw a comment in here that says she wants to teach her baby sign language, but she needs to learn it first… For those of you who think this way: Stop! You do not need to learn sign language (or anything for that matter) before you can teach your baby. Learn it together!

    Another comment asked if she could teach her baby a foreign language and ASL at the same time. Babies will learn whatever you try to teach them. And they will do so at their own pace. The only way you can know what’s best for your child is to pay attention to him. If you see he is overwhelmed, give it a break or try something new. If you find that he is interested, then keep up the good work!

    Best of luck to everyone!

  30. Dee

    Thank you for this wonderful resource. I was advised to start teaching sign language to my toddler who attends speech therapy My daughter already knows 3 signs in 2 days. Thank you thank you! I feel excited I can communicate with her. Less frustration both ways. It s good to learn especially in my career with children as well.

  31. JESSEE

    Does it matter what hand you use when doing the signs?

    ADMIN – Hi Jessee,

    You can use whichever had is convenient. In ASL (American Sign Language), by convention you use your dominant hand to perform the active part of the sign. However, with Baby Sign Language often we need to improvise because we are holding baby with one hand.

  32. Rebecca

    Thank you so much for sharing such wonderful information. I decided to look into baby sign language because I my 5 mo old began mocking my cough recently when I was ill and I realized that if she picked that up so easily as a means to communicate then this will surely be helpful. I’m very excited to begin teaching and learning with my precious lil baby.

  33. Katina Moreau

    Hi – loving your website.

    This comment is for Lee Ann, who wrote back in August.

    My son is French and I am English. He learnt both languages and sign language all at the same time. I think it helped him, if anything, to learn the sign language as well because we used one sign for two words … He could work out that ‘lait’ was ‘milk’ in French because it had the same sign. It doesn’t matter what sign you use (we use mostly British Sign Language) as long as it is consistent and frequent! FYI – my son is now 8 years old and fully bilingual! I hope to repeat the same thing with his sister who is 4 months old!

    Good luck to you all!

  34. Mey Lau

    Dear Annabel,
    Slowly but surely we are loading new baby sign language flashcards and video dictionary signs. Our hope is to soon be one of the largest baby sign language resource. I have added bread to the to-do list.

  35. Annabel


    I really like the flash cards and above all, the videos that come with them! Thanks a bunch for sharing them! I was wondering if there is any chance to ask for more words, like bread, for example…

    Thank you again and take care!


  36. Cynthia A. Ayala

    Yay! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love your site. Aaaand I am happy to say that my lil Xochi (8 months young) is signing. She’s doing ‘Bye’ ‘Thank you’ and ‘More’! I sooooo look forward to see what’s next.

    ADMIN – Awesome!

  37. Michelle

    Does it matter whether you use your right or left hand when you are signing words like please, thank you, and eat for example?

    ADMIN – Hi Michelle,

    In American Sign Language, you usually use your dominant hand as the active part of the sign. So if you are right-handed you would sign please with your right hand, and if you are left-handed you would use your left hand. Of course, in baby sign language we are a little more relaxed. So if your dominant hand is often occupied, you can use your other hand. You will find your baby will naturally gravitate toward using their dominant hand.

  38. Angela

    Are these words based on ASL or BSL? Thanks in advance for answering

    ADMIN – Hi Angela,

    99% of the signs are American Sign Language (ASL). In a very small number of cases, we simplify a complex ASL sign to make it a little easier. Where we do that, we try and make it clear that we are deviating from ASL.

    We often use BSL to refer to Baby Sign Language, but it is often used as an abbreviation for British Sign Language. We do not use British Sign Language.

  39. Mey Lau

    Not at all, as a matter of fact bilingualism while it delays speech slightly it helps greatly with improved IQ.

  40. Mey Lau

    Hi Kevin, So glad to have you around. The Bloggess has sent so many loving people our way!! 🙂

  41. Kevin B

    Came across your website from a post on “The Bloggess”. My “babies” are well into the talking stage now, so I don’t have a lot of need for your site, but wanted to say best of luck with it all! 🙂

  42. Lee Ann

    My son is 12 weeks old. He is half Laotian and I want to teach him the Laotian language and some baby sign language. Will he get confused if I try to teach both at the same time?

  43. Lilian

    Awesome! I’m impressed..I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw babies communicating by sign language..Lis, my daughter, is 2months and I do want to teach her baby sign language..But Mom needs to learn it first! Haha

  44. Amber

    Tereza – I used baby sign language with my son (now almost 2) and breastfed until 22 months. I’m a huge fan of both nursing and baby sign. The great thing about teaching sign language to a hearing child is that you can modify a sign verbally to give it more context. For example, you can use the traditional sign for MILK (squeezing your hand) to mean both milk from the breast and milk from a cup. But when you speak the word at the same time you can add context and say “Mommy’s milk” or “Yummy milk” or “Milk from a cup.” Hope this helps! Good luck!

  45. Amanda

    Hello! I just discovered this website and I love it! Thank you for sharing! My husband and I are starting to incorporate the signs into talk with our 8 week old daughter. I love having another way to bond and communicate!

  46. Mey Lau

    Not at all. Toddlers are great learners and sign language helps them enhance their expressive abilities. Go for it and have fun!

  47. tereza crump aka MyTreasuredCreations

    my youngest daughter is 15 months old and she is trying to copy what the older children do. I am thinking that maybe sign language would be helpful to decrease her frustration level in trying to communicate with us. What do you think?

    is it too late to introduce her to sign language? And I breastfeed and she nurses often, do you have a sign for nursing instead of milk or water? (she takes juice and water in a cup but nurses often at the breast and we use the word “yummy” to refer to the breast.)

    thanks so much, 🙂



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Baby Sign Language Premium Kit (Online Video)

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Baby Sign Language Deluxe Kit

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Baby Sign Language Standard Kit

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