Posts By: Kathy

Discover & Delight in Your Baby’s Love Language Using BSL

Recently we ran a poll in an attempt to discover the main reasons why you have made the choice of incorporating baby sign language to the learning curriculum of your pre-verbal child. It was lovely to discover that the main reason for the majority of parents and caregivers was to reduce frustration and better understand… Reads more »

Malaki Signing With Flash Cards

Shante sent us this great video of her son Malaki signing and shares the story of how they got started. Video: Malaki Signing When I was pregnant I thought it was a great idea to have my child use ASL. When he was in daycare they used it in his class room and I even… Reads more »

Wyatt Signing at 16 Months (Update)

We have an update on Wyatt, our first signing story. We first met Wyatt when he was 7 months old. His progress has been amazing. We are really proud of Wyatt and his mom Christi. If you frequent our Baby Sign Language  Facebook page, Christi always has a word of encouragement for new moms and… Reads more »