Posts By: Mey Lau

How to Conquer Baby Sign Language One Month at a Time

If you are new to baby sign language you are probably wondering how the magic happens. Millions of babies are learning how to communicate as early as six months old. To help you set the stage for successful learning we have a section totally dedicated to newbies. Consider spending time reviewing and learning the basics… Reads more »

Want to Improve Both Verbal & Motor Skills at Once? Let’s Work on Farm Animals Sounds and Signs

Your baby is walking, eating solid foods and reaching endless milestones. The basics of signing have served their purpose allowing you for early bonding and empowering your baby to feel confident about the world that surrounds him. Mama & Papa are now a common happenstance as he or she starts to babble and everyone is… Reads more »

Air Despair? Baby Sign Language Comes To The Rescue

With holiday travel just around the corner many new parents are in a sea of anxiety over traveling for the first time with their baby or toddler. We get it. Traveling with a little one means stress for everyone. Planes are crowded and unfamiliar, travelers are inpatient and babies are faced with cabin pressure and… Reads more »