“Babies are sponges” We hear it all the time and it is a great reminder to parent intentionally. When we parent, we often forget that it is a two-way relation where both participants grow and learn. Today, we are setting time aside to share with you five ways in which teaching your baby how to… Reads more »
Posts By: Mey Lau
Fares Baby Sign Language Story

Sign, Baby Sign! Meet our little friend Fares. His parents Luisa & Fernando have been hard at work teaching Fares as many signs as he is willing to learn. Not only is Fares learning baby sign language, he is also hard at work in expanding his English vocabulary as well as his native language, Spanish…. Reads more »
Theodora Uses Baby Sign Language
Meet baby Theodora. At 18-months old Theodora knows signs that help her communicate needs and explore the world around her. Baby Theodora loves signing, with the help of her mom who is a counselor, Theodora is able to replace screaming, crying and tantrums with signing to help her parents, relatives and caregivers give her exactly… Reads more »
Ten Baby Signs That Can Help Your Baby Make Emotional Connections
When we talk about baby sign language, it is often in light of our pre-verbal child who is hard at work learning to communicate basic needs. We mostly focus our teaching and learning on signs that empower like food or objects that are meaningful to our baby. As our babies grow, in particular when they… Reads more »
Boost Your Baby’s Confidence With Baby Sign Language
There are many parenting styles but all hold certain commonalities. Among the most important ones is the desire to raise babies with high self esteem and deep sense of confidence. Baby sign language is one of many resources parents can incorporate to ensure empowerment and give babies a head start when it comes to confidence…. Reads more »