When we first introduce new parents to baby sign language it is not uncommon to do it in the context of food items since eating is primal necessity of every little one. It is likely that your baby’s first sign was either milk or more in association with getting more food. In fact, our most visited pages are baby sign language flashcards and dictionary videos related to food items.
If your baby has mastered milk & more and you have begun exploring together other signs associated with mealtime we want to give you a few tips to make the learning adventure both easy and fun.

Focus on Items Baby Loves!
Food is a great driver for performance. In fact, in our baby sign language teaching guide, we discuss the Pepperberg method of reward as an incentive for learning BSL. As you begin to engage baby in signing food items it is smart to attempt to identify their favorite foods. By isolating their favorites you stand a greater chance of quick learning which in turn will result in a happy baby who is able to communicate their desires and interests.

Ethnic & Non-Traditional Food Items-Create Your Own Sign!
We receive frequent emails and forum questions asking for baby signs for a variety of food items that have made it into our culinary mainstream menus. As we grow our dictionary we have certainly made an effort to include some but oftentimes we may not be able to provide you with the sign for a food item your baby loves. Because baby sign language is primarily designed for baby to communicate with their caregivers we encourage you to create your own signs to equip baby with a way to convey special food items. Always remember that baby sign language is a transitional tool aimed at making life less stressful for you and for baby. Note: If you have a little one with learning differences who will be using ASL as a main form of communication it is very important that he learns the proper signs.

Manners Matter
Baby Sign Language at the table provides parents and caregivers with a unique opportunity to help baby make associations on how manners make a difference. Modeling remains one of the best methods of teaching. Teach baby to sign please and thank you in association with asking and receiving favorite food items. As you teach baby their basic pleasantries make sure your facial expression conveys happiness and acceptance to help baby fully grasp the importance of incorporating these words to their daily interactions.
Finally, if you are planning on engaging baby in teaching sessions at the table you may want to also incorporate opportunities for play. Yesterday we featured a coloring mat on our giveaway. Drawing food items is a fantastic way to help baby associate two-dimensional visuals with the real items.