Discover & Delight in Your Baby’s Love Language Using BSL

Languages of Love

Recently we ran a poll in an attempt to discover the main reasons why you have made the choice of incorporating baby sign language to the learning curriculum of your pre-verbal child. It was lovely to discover that the main reason for the majority of parents and caregivers was to reduce frustration and better understand the needs of baby. After all is there anything more precious in our human interactions than being understood?


We know at the end of the day your main goal as a parent is to raise a happy child secure in the knowledge that he is loved deeply. Baby sign language is just another tool to equip your little one to give and receive love.  Last month I reread The Languages of Love by Gary Chapman and it was a sweet reminder of why we do what we do.  Today as we celebrate love & friendship I wanted to share five wonderful applications of The Languages of Love in your baby sign language journey.

Words of Affirmation

You are smart

From the moment you respond to baby’s first attempts of communication you are affirming. You are telling baby he is being heard by meeting their needs. There is nothing more affirming than mom knowing that you want more and mom supplying for that need. As baby grows we have a wonderful opportunity to create healthy dynamics of affirmation. Incorporate abstracts such as smart, beautiful and proud.

Acts of Service


One of the most heartbreaking challenges of modern culture is indifference and a culture that places too much weight in self-sufficiency. As your baby discovers the world take advantage of the special opportunity to serve him; before you know it he will be all grown up and craving for independence. Offer baby help when requested and grab every opportunity to teach baby to be a happy helper. If you are fortunate enough to have a playgroup or older siblings encourage collaboration by presenting little ones with tasks too big to be achieved alone.

Receiving Gifts


This may be the easiest concept to incorporate to our parenting routine. The truth is most of us love giving and receiving gifts. One of the most effective methods of teaching baby sign language is to reward baby with either praise or small material tokens inclusive of food items that baby loves. Keep small and magical goodies to reward baby for day-to-day achievements. We do this by keeping a treasure chest with healthy snacks, bubbles, small farm figurines and other affordable age appropriate toys and gifts. In addition to rewarding baby we love to teach baby the joys of giving and the importance of gratitude. For our toddlers we keep little bags with goodies that she can give to friends for the simple joy of sharing. How special it is when baby learns to sign thank you!

Quality Time


To us this is the most precious and important gift you can give to babies. The very success of a baby sign language program is based on our willingness as parents to give our little ones the gift of time. There are endless opportunities to give baby the gift of time as you learn together. A discovery walk in the garden where you can show her leaves, flowers and all manner of wonderful things. Make time for a special trip to the zoo and learn to sign different animals together. Make every day and every opportunity count.

Physical Touch


I have had several opportunities to visit orphanages around the world. Sensory deprivation is one of the saddest childhood conditions to witness. As parents we have the precious opportunity to express affection, intimacy and feedback via touch. From breastfeeding to teaching baby how to hug and kiss. Another way to stimulate babies via touch is by working on modeling our baby signs the opportunities are endless. Don’t miss out!


Happy Valentine’s Day!


The Family!







Malaki Signing With Flash Cards

Shante sent us this great video of her son Malaki signing and shares the story of how they got started.

Video: Malaki Signing
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When I was pregnant I thought it was a great idea to have my child use ASL. When he was in daycare they used it in his class room and I even got more eager to buy something so I could learn and teach him as well. I purchased the Deluxe Baby Sign Language Kit.

The first word he learned was more and when he would signed more I literally cried. It was amazing how someone so little can use sign language and know what they want, before they can talk. His first sign was on February 29th 2012.

After that he started progressing more and more by signing milk, ball, mom, dad, dog, baby, and bath. We used the flash cards more and more and when he was around two and a half he learned all the sign language flash cards and more!

People ask me all the time why do you use sign language. I simply say that I think it is a great idea for any child to use a second language and not only that but for my son to use ASL to communicate with me, instead of him crying, if I cannot understand what he is saying. What is really awesome is Malaki will let me know when he is sad by signing sad. I think it is the cutest thing ever. I have gotten Malaki’s father to use ASL as well. Also my two sisters and mother use it from time to time when Malaki is around them. Malaki may have learned later than some, but I think it is better than never.

Today at 35 months, Malaki knows over 80 words of ASL and he may not sign them correctly, but it is just the fun and experience that keeps us going. Eventually I want him to know full ASL and myself as well. And someday I want to take an ASL class. I enjoy working with Malaki every single day and he does as well.


Wyatt Signing at 16 Months (Update)

We have an update on Wyatt, our first signing story. We first met Wyatt when he was 7 months old. His progress has been amazing.

We are really proud of Wyatt and his mom Christi. If you frequent our Baby Sign Language  Facebook page, Christi always has a word of encouragement for new moms and really awesome tips when you feel like you hit a wall with your baby sign language progress. Christi lives in St. Louis where she is a SAM and a photographer.

We want to celebrate your achievements and we have a special rewards program. If you want to participate just like Christi you could receive a really awesome $100 gift card for capturing your video and sharing your story with us. You can learn more about it here

Video: Wyatt Signing at 16 Months
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I first found out about Baby Sign Language through Facebook. I’m a stay at home mom and money is tight- my husband was given a Visa gift card from his work, and he wanted to use it for me. (How sweet!) So he asked what I wanted and I told him I wanted the Deluxe Kit for baby sign language. He was skeptical and indifferent- but loves to please me. So I got it!

Wyatt did his first sign when he was 7 months old- more. We were super excited! He did it for about a month, then stopped – which was disheartening. We kept trying. When he was about 9 months he started responding to it again! He really didn’t sign anything but more – until the day he turned 11 months. It was like a switch turned on and he was ready to learn!

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He’s 16 months now and signs: more, eat, drink, milk, water, bath, please, thank you, toothbrush, tired, keys, all done, all gone, store, swim, and duck/bird.

Wyatt loves to play with the flash cards. I went through them and picked ones out that he is interested in and that applicable to him right now. We usually spread them out on the floor, I sign/say the word and he has to find it. He gets SO excited! Toilet and toothbrush are his favorite!

What I love about is the access to the dictionary. I don’t know how many times we have been out on a walk or at a store and Wyatt pointed at something and all we had to do was bring up the website and find the dictionary. The videos are awesome and help me understand why the sign is what it is. My favorite is store – like you’re giving your money away.



Now my husband is all about baby sign language! Whenever we are out and about- we tell people about it- cashiers, servers… whomever!

Now that Wyatt is in the “getting in to everything stage” we are working on stop, enough, and wait.

Twelve Ways Baby Sign Language Can Positively Impact Your Parenting Journey in 2014

1. Baby Sign Language Reduces Frustration

Baby Sign Language Reduces Frustration

During the fall of 2013 we conducted a survey to better understand how baby sign language was helping you as a parent. Over 60% of users indicated that reducing their child’s frustration in conveying needs was the key reason to use BSL. We received many stories of babies as young as four months conveying specific needs such as milk or more. Long episodes of fussiness replaced by clear and quick communication of basic needs and wants

2. Baby Sign Language Helps the Parent-Child Bond

Baby Sign Language Helps with Parental Bonding

As a little one begins to realize that sign language associations result in needs being met baby begins to form a deeper bond with the parent or caregiver as she or he satisfies those needs. This very important bond is particularly beautiful when the child’s needs are addressed quickly reinforcing the value of communication.

3. Baby Sign Language Accelerates Learning

Baby Sign Language Helps Babies Learn Faster

By providing your baby or toddler with a tool to identify objects and emotions even before they develop verbal skills your little one will be able to make connections and associations that will set the stage for better learning processes.

4. Baby Sign Language Improves Social Interactions

BSL helps with baby-to-baby social interactions

If your childcare incorporates baby sign language you are in luck. We have received numerous updates from educators and parents alike telling us how baby sign language helps their little ones engage with other babies and toddlers and effectively communicate complex abstracts such as want, more or share. Baby Sign Language helps little ones have positive social dynamics with other baby sign language users and results in a less chaotic learning environment.

5. Baby Sign Language Sets the Stage For Understanding Series & Groupings


We can’t begin to describe how wonderful it is to capture the attention of little ones when it comes to preferences and interests. By isolating learning units by category, for example animals or food items, parents are able to incorporate the concept of series and begin to introduce their little ones to types.

6. Baby Sign Language Enhances Musical Learning

BSL helps baby make associations as he discovers music

There is no denial music plays an essential role in the way we relate to the world. Early introduction to cadence and rhythm is essential in equipping a child for lifelong learning. Incorporating signs to songs adds dimension to the learning experience and helps little ones understand the meaning of the lyrics in a more personal way.

7. Baby Sign Language Supports Fine Motor Skills

Modeling Baby Sign Language Helps Baby Perfect Finer Motor Skills

By introducing baby to a means of communication that requires motor discipline you give him a tremendous advantage when it comes to motor skills.  As your little one begins to associate specific motions with rewards he will be naturally inclined to refine his or her signs to better mimic your example.

8. Baby Sign Language Introduces Little Ones to Abstracts

BSL Opens the Door to Abstract Concepts & Emotions

In addition to real objects such as toys and food items baby sign language provides early entrance to the world of abstracts. Babies can learn concepts such as volume by using the sign for more, slow or fast. Additionally with the help of baby sign language babies discover the means to express feelings such as happy, sad or tired.

9. Baby Sign Language Helps with Transitions

BSL Helps Create Seamless Stress-Free Transitions

When your little one is ready to join daycare or engage in group activities it is comforting and useful to know that she is equipped to communicate her needs with the assurance that the caregiver will be able to grasp and meet basic requests for food, rest, recreation and affection.

10. Baby Sign Language Facilitates Games

Incorporate Baby Sign Language to Games & Reading Sessions

From object recognition to memory games and long series baby sign language provides parents with the opportunity to engage baby in a didactic process that is fun and can be implemented at home or on the road. Reading together and incorporating signs to the story makes for wonderful parent-child engagement.

11. Baby Sign Language Means the World for Special Needs

Baby Sign Language is life-changing for little ones with learning differences.

We have received so many letters from parents with little ones with cognitive and learning differences. From Down syndrome to Apraxia, equipping toddlers that would otherwise be linguistically isolated with an easy way to communicate is a life-changing experience.

12. Baby Sign Language for the Working Parent

BSL Helps You Make Every Minute Count!

One of the most encouraging types of emails we receive comes from working parents. For someone with limited time having the ability to bond with his child and meet his needs quickly and without much struggle means the world. Baby Sign Language does just that. Instead of trying to guess for what feels like an eternity, little ones can express basic needs, likes and dislikes making the short hours that you get to spend together quality time where peace abounds.

We hope 2014 fills your life & heart with beautiful things. at we believe in community and encourage you to join the conversation on our baby sign language Facebook page.








Over $5,000 in Prizes-Tell Us Your Baby Sign Language Video Story

In 2013 we had a really successful casting call and collected the best baby sign language videos on the web. The response was incredible and parents around the world responded by recording and editing incredible videos of babies and toddlers using baby sign language to communicate their basic needs describe objects and engage with their caregivers as early as four months old. The testimonies were full of enthusiasm for learning and great parent-child bonding using BSL.

Capture Your Baby's Best Signs

For 2014 we want to invite all parents around the globe to participate in our 2nd annual casting call. The Call will be open year-round to allow you to carefully and lovingly record your child’s achievements and even submit several videos to demonstrate progress, reflect unique settings and display your learning style.

Our goal is to give you a wonderful incentive to creatively capture how you, together with your child discover and apply new baby sign language words.

Here are some of last year’s winners:

Amelie Uses Baby Sign Language

Clara Knows Over 80 Baby Signs

Ted Demonstrates BSL-He Knows Over 70 Baby Signs

Without further ado here are the rules, & rewards for our 2014 baby sign language video contest:

Minimum Baby Sign Language Video Requirements:

  1. Only submit horizontal format videos
  2. Make sure the lighting is rich. We want to have a clear image of baby
  3. Use the highest resolution video capture available (iPhone / Smartphone videos are fine)
  4. Catch baby in a playful mood, clothed and clean.
  5. Set the stage; Use awesome props or contextual exterior backgrounds.
  6. Maintain an uncluttered backdrop and foreground.
  7. Limit background noise or distractions (TV off)
  8. No editing necessary but highly recommended
  9. Qualifying videos must be 75 seconds or more
  10. Child must demonstrate four signs or more
  11. A 300+ words written story telling us about your baby sign language journey. We will publish your story along with your video.

Check out these articles to learn how to create wonderful baby videos:

How to Film Awesome Baby Videos With Your Phone

How to Take a Great Video of Your Baby Using Baby Sign Language

Extra Credit
  1. Twins or multiples
  2. Your video is themed or tells a story. For example: Farm animals, fruits or winter themed
  3. Gorgeous scenic background
  4. Parent & Child using our official baby sign language flashcards
  5. Video is submitted and approved for publication before December 30, 2013


Submission Dates

The 2014 Baby Sign Language Casting Call begins today and runs until December 15 2014


All approved videos will receive a $50 Amazon, Starbucks or Paypal Gift Card. Videos that qualify as premium or extra credit will receive $100 reward.

Grand Prize

The best video for 2014 will receive a $300 reward and will have a featured interview on our blog. If you are blogger here is your chance to reach thousands of parents. Don’t miss out!


What are my chances of getting by baby sign language video and story published and receiving a reward?

If you meet the minimum requirements you have 90% chance of receiving a reward.

When will I know if my video qualified?

Our Website Manager will let you know within 7 days of submission. The Website Manager has final and sole authority to approve videos and grant extra credit awards.

Can I submit a revised/improved video if mine is not selected?

Yes you may resubmit

What are the age limitations?

From birth to 3 years of age

Can preschools and daycare facilities enter as a team?

Absolutely, but please obtain parental permission to record

How many videos can I submit?

If your videos are awesome and your baby displays a different set of signs or a different theme of each video you are welcome to submit up to 4

Can I participate if I don’t live in the US?

Absolutely, we encourage worldwide participation

How will you send my reward?

We will send your reward via email once your story has been published.

What about intellectual rights to my video?

By participating in the casting call you grant unlimited use of your submission with no additional compensation beyond your reward.


How to Submit

Send your video along with your 300+ word narrative to [email protected]