Posts Categorized: baby research

Eight Reasons Why Your Baby is Not Signing Yet & Why You Should Not Be Discouraged

Almost on a daily basis we receive questions from moms who are concerned regarding the signing progress of their babies. Based on the most common questions and concerns brought up by all of you we have compiled a list of reasons why you may not be getting the results you expected from baby sign language…. Reads more »

How to Introduce Baby to Selflessness

We are all wired for survival. This natural proclivity makes it challenging when it comes to teaching our babies social constructs such as sharing and taking turns. The power to possess is a natural part of the child’s growing awareness. Don’t be surprised if among the first words your toddler verbalizes are posesive terms such as… Reads more »

Signing Our Favorite Foods

Just a quick stop to share with you this wonderful food stages infographic. We love to see how babies begin to sign food items based on their preferences.     credit: she knows Australia