“Babies are sponges” We hear it all the time and it is a great reminder to parent intentionally. When we parent, we often forget that it is a two-way relation where both participants grow and learn. Today, we are setting time aside to share with you five ways in which teaching your baby how to… Reads more »
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Boost Your Baby’s Confidence With Baby Sign Language
There are many parenting styles but all hold certain commonalities. Among the most important ones is the desire to raise babies with high self esteem and deep sense of confidence. Baby sign language is one of many resources parents can incorporate to ensure empowerment and give babies a head start when it comes to confidence…. Reads more »
Anxious Parents Rejoice! Here Are Some Milestones For Your Baby Sign Language Journey

I can’t begin to tell you how much I love receiving mail and Facebook questions from new parents wanting to validate their efforts and progress and asking for guidance to ensure their babies are exposed to the very best learning opportunities. We all know not to compare but without comparison it becomes difficult to know… Reads more »
A Letter to The Lady at The Supermarket Who Signed With My Baby
One of our sweet friends asked us to publish this letter. If you are in Farmington Hills Michigan please share: Dear Lady Wearing The Red Sweater, Having four kids under five is no easy task. As a SAHM I am most frequently delighted but sometimes, when everyone has had a long day I am not… Reads more »
Top Ten Halloween Safety Tips for Babies & Toddlers
We hope you are looking forward to this awesome evening as much as we are. Because we love your babies and we want you to have an uneventful holiday please take note of the following quick tips for safety and pass them along. You may just save a life or prevent a serious accident. … Reads more »