
Bean in ASL starts with the non-dominant hand made into a fist, with the index finger extended, as if it were a bean. The dominant hand pinches the bean with the index finger and the thumb, and it is then pulled back away from the bean. The motion with the dominant hand looks like you stringing a bean.

An alternative ASL sign for bean is to touch both index fingers and both thumbs together, then pull them away while pinching the air. It's like forming a diamond and then pulling the index fingers and thumbs apart.

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Bean and other food signs are interesting to children. Even if a child does not eat a particular food, they are interested in learning the names. Also, continued exposure to the food, both in real life and in pictures, helps to promote familiarity - eventually leading to the child eating the food. Food signs like bean are also useful signs for baby to indicate favorite foods, or to tell you what they are in the mood to eat. Having your baby able to sign what they want is certainly easier than having to guess and having your mistaken guesses flung in your direction!


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Bean and other food signs are interesting to children. Even if a child does not eat a food, they are interested in learning the names. Continued exposure to the food, both in real life and in pictures, helps to promote familiarity – eventually leading to the child eating the food.


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