Meal is signed exactly like food: taking your dominant hand with the tip of your thumb touching the tips of your fingers and tapping them on your mouth a couple of times.
Meal/Food/Eat is one of the most common first signs. Make the sign whenever you offer food to your baby, when he eats, and just after he has finished. Your baby will be highly motivated to learn this sign, and will quickly learn that using the sign enables him to get food when he is hungry. As your baby gets more advanced, start introducing the names of specific foods, so along with the general word meal, your baby starts using more specific words like apple, or sandwich.
Flash Card
This is a useful flash card taught best in conjunction with your toddler's favorite meal or snack items. You can teach this along with the signs please, more, all done, and thank you, to teach your kids politeness and gratitude as well.
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