
To sign show, open your non-dominant hand with fingers separated, and point to the center of your palm with your dominant index. This is a directional sign. Once you have the index in the center of the palm, point with the open hand in the direction that corresponds to the party you are attempting to convey with the sign. "Show me," for example, pulls the hand toward oneself, whereas "show you" points toward the listener.

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We use the sign for show with toddlers in reference to objects or activities. You could ask your baby to show you the sign for a particular word or concept.


Flash Card

Use the show flash card in reference to objects or activities. You could ask your baby to show you the sign for a particular word or concept.


6 Responses to “Show”

  1. Maegan Peton

    In an attempt to teach my daughter (1 year old) the sign for more she transposed it to index finger to palm. She’s got please down though! My son transposed signs as a baby too and would eventually do them right so we’re not too worried. It helps so much when they know just a few!

  2. Pamela

    My grand baby just turned 1 she is not deaf but she has picked up an new habit of takimg her pinger and hitting the palm of her hand with it. Trying to find out if it means anything.

    ADMIN – Hi Pamela,

    You might want to check with her daycare provider.

  3. Sandy

    My grandson is learning some sign language. He isn’t deaf but I wanted to know how to sign his name “Jonathan”. He is too little to learn the alphabet. Thanks.

    ADMIN – Hi Sandy,

    All names are finger-spelled so it is best that we just teach them the sign for baby plus their initial.

  4. Helen Watts

    What does it mean finger to Palm sign in a toddler

    ADMIN – Hi Helen,

    Finger to palm is usually the sign for Jesus. Perhaps the child learned the sign at church.

    • Dion

      My grandson was 10 months old. When my wife was dying on her sickbed, my grandson gave her the hand sign that meant ‘Jesus’. He had just recently come from heaven and was letting her know she will be absent from her body and meet Jesus. My wife looked at him and smiled. This was not something he learned to do at church. The bible says children are a gift from God. I believe that our babies come from God’s throne in heaven and enter into the womb to become flesh. Just like Jesus became flesh through the womb of Mary.


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