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HOME / DICTIONARY / You're Welcome

You're Welcome

You’re welcome is signed the same way as Thank you. Take your flat, open, dominant hand, and starting from your chin, take your hand out as it arcs down and away from your face. It is as if you are acknowledging that your baby has thanked you, so you are mirroring the polite gesture back, like thanking them for thanking you!

HOME / DICTIONARY / You're Welcome
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Teach your toddler the you’re welcome sign so that they learn polite responses in situations where people want to show gratitude for kind gestures.


Flash Card

This is a wonderful sign to introduce early in their life, as we begin to teach our babies the meaning of gratitude and good manners. Because this is an abstract concept, it is best learned through imitation.


6 Responses to “You’re Welcome”

  1. Rebecca Booth-Fox

    Is this the same sign as Thank You?

    ADMIN – Hi Rebecca,


  2. Dave

    So is this the same sign as “thank you?”

    ADMIN – Hi Dave,

    Yes in the case of baby sign language we use the same sign for both. If a child is transitioning to ASL you want to use the proper welcome sign in which your dominant hand travels from upper chest to sternum making a little half circle.

  3. Abby

    I’ve seen also people make an outward ark motion not starting anywhere on the body just out in front of them.

  4. mielin

    I have a friend who does sign language and he takes his hand to his chin and brings it down to his waist for yo’ur welcome.

    ADMIN – Hi Mielin,

    That is fine. Like any language there is variation in how signs are pronounced.

    • Milinda


      Wonder, would you add other sign for You’re welcome (takes hand to her chin and brings it down to her waist)?


      • Baby Sign Language Administrator

        Hi Milinda, Your variant to “You’re welcome” actually looks a bit like the sign for “Welcome” (as in, welcoming a guest into your home or another venue). However, if you really mean it as a variant to “You’re welcome,” then that’s fine. Feel free to teach your kid(s) the ASL sign that is common to your locale. What we have here on our BSL site are the most common ASL signs across the country, though you may have noticed that for some signs, we cover more than one version due to the equal popularity of certain signs. Cheers!


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