Posts By: Kathy

Access to The Full Signing Times Collection Only $1

Because you asked for a more integrated baby sign language program a few months ago we introduced the Baby Sign Language Premium Kit. The Premium Kit provided all the materials from the Deluxe Kit plus the 4 DVDs and 4DVDs from the famous Signing Time Collection. We have been amazed by your response and we… Reads more »

Best Modeling Toys for Baby Sign Language

Not too long ago our friend Lauren asked us to suggest a few toys suitable for babies whose learning style is more three-dimensional and tactile and have in a way outgrown flashcards. In our book we dedicate a chapter to teaching baby sign language using visuals and props to help baby interact with objects that… Reads more »

How Many Words Should My Baby Know How to Sign?

Yesterday we had a really informal survey on our Facebook page to try to pinpoint the average number of words that babies can sign at each stage in their development. The sample is really small and i will update it as more members of the community contribute. For now, here is the chart: Key findings… Reads more »

Baby Sign language Sing-Along Favorites

Depending on the age of your baby or toddler you may want to incorporate music and movement as an integral part of their learning curriculum. By including music the goal is generally to improve their motor skills and introduce them to rhythms. Depending on the age and learning stage of your baby you can opt… Reads more »

Baby Sign Language is About Communication-The Story of Persephone & Her Sippy

If you have been a friend of you probably know that we are community-oriented and pretty frequently rely in the support of our social media fans and friends to encourage each other and try to understand the progress of our own babies in light of the experiences of other families. Knowing what other parents… Reads more »