I frequently get questions from moms struggling with the pace of learning of their little ones. First-time moms are generally the ones most likely to reach out with concerns hoping that somewhere, somehow there is a by-the-book answer that tells us down to the minute when our babies will reach every single milestone. General… Reads more »
Posts By: Mey Lau
Teaching Baby How to Sign & Recognize Temperature: A Testimony From Tamara
We recently received this email and photo from Tamara S. Tamara follows us on Facebook and has a 13 month old baby girl named Roxana. “Dear www.babysignlanguage.com, I started teaching Roxana baby sign language the moment she was born. I really dear friend had given me the Deluxe Baby Sign Language Kit while I… Reads more »
Five Signs Your Baby is About to Sign-Encouragement for The Restless Parent
Recently my friend Erin emailed me feeling a little restless and frustrated with the learning progress of her youngest a sweet little boy named Timothy. Erin is a mom of three, her youngest a darling little boy about to turn 15 months old. With her girls Erin had great success using baby sign language at… Reads more »
Casting Call: Baby Stars-Baby Sign Language Wants Your Videos
Casting call!!! We are quickly approaching 20,000 Facebook fans and we want to celebrate big. We want to invite you and your little one to join us on the BabySignLanguage.com website. We want to feature videos of your little ones signing. We love babies signing away, and using signing in real-life. Here is the… Reads more »
Smiles Are Signs Too
I was fortunate enough to see my son smile in the delivery room shortly after his weigh in and measurements were all taken. He opened his bright blue eyes and smiled at family and friends right away. This was our very first baby sign language milestone! After all, is there any better way to say… Reads more »