The benefits of teaching your baby how to use baby sign language are endless and so are the number of signs available to learn and teach. If you are a first time mama or a daycare provider trying to prioritize and ensure the signs your babies are learning are relevant and useful take a moment… Reads more »
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What to Do When Your Already Verbal Toddler Stops Talking – Dealing with Selective Mutism

Real and perceived speech delays are not uncommon in babies and toddlers. In fact as many of 10% of all children suffer from a voice, speech or swallowing disorder that they may later overcome. Addressing the needs of a child with speech delays early on, while challenging, is still less traumatic than facing a child… Reads more »
30 Reasons Why You Will Love Baby Sign Language
1. Baby Sign Language enhances the bond with your child. 2. Baby Sign Language reduces frustration. 3. Baby Sign Language gives you an early start for new concepts. 4. Baby Sign Language facilitates caregiver communication. 5. Baby Sign Language increases IQ. 6. Baby Sign Language helps siblings work together toward a common goal. 7. Baby… Reads more »
Turn Your Supermarket Trip Into a Baby Sign Language Academy
Trips to the market with baby in tow are often associated with stress. If you have been at the receiving end of stares from other patrons after your little one throws a tantrum you know exactly what I am talking about. However, you are likely to be on the same boat as many mamas around… Reads more »
Using Baby Sign Language to Help Your Baby Overcome Nocturnal Fears
Nocturnal separation anxiety is real. Throughout human history having companionship, particularly the companionship of an adult has been associated with safety. After all, our ancestors were mostly nocturnal hunters often leaving children alone and exposed to predators. Nocturnal fears are not exclusive to children sleeping alone. Many parents that co-sleep report babies and toddlers… Reads more »