
To sign brother, make both hands into an 'L' shape with your thumbs and index fingers extended. Hold your non-dominant 'L' hand down by your chest. Take your dominant hand and starting at the forehead, forming the tip of a baseball hat, bring the hand down to rest on your non-dominant hand, transforming it into an 'L'.

When your baby is getting started, brother gets simplified a lot - often the 'L'-shaped hands will look more like fists, and your baby will often only do the motion with one hand.

Hero Image


Getting an older sibling involved in teaching your baby sign language is a great way to get both children engaged. Older brothers love to teach the sign for brother. Have them make the sign whenever they are around your baby. Siblings are often highly motivated to get the baby to sign their name first and will put in a lot of work with the baby to make it happen - so don't be surprised when the baby's first sign is brother or sister.


Flash Card

We use the sign for brother when we introduce our babies to family dynamics. Consider replacing the generic image on your flash card with an image of your baby and his or her brother.


4 Responses to “Brother”

  1. Shawndra Higgins

    The “L” shape over the forehead in the video looks different than the cartoon flashcard image. Are both ways used/correct? Which way is the most used?

    ADMIN – Hi Shawndra,

    Both ways are correct. Video is the most common.

  2. Aaron Lanier

    Hi! I love all of your graphic pictures for every signs you’ve made! Do you have the graphic picture for Grandma and Grandpa? If not, then can you make them? Thanks! 🙂

    ADMIN – Hi Aaron,

    Here you are

  3. Fweeja

    This is cool. Where did YOU guys learn these signs? Did Deaf people teach them to you? Thanks!

    ADMIN – Hi Fweeja,

    All the signs are American Sign Language.


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