Smiling baby
Easiest way to teach your baby to sign!
Signing time


To sign help, place your closed-fist, dominant 'A' hand on top of your non-dominant open palm, and move both hands upwards.

Hero Image


This is an essential sign. It equips your baby to ask for assistance in a variety of things like reaching a toy or getting dressed.


Flash Card

The sign for help is useful in teaching babies to ask for assistance. While the final goal is self reliance, a child that knows that he or she can be helped by an adult feels more empowered and is better able to relate to others.


11 Responses to “Help”

  1. Lindsay

    Can you recc a good one hand adaptation of this sign? Working with a little guy who has trouble with bilateral integration so we are finding it is better to prompt him with one handed signs. Thanks!

  2. Kim Thrash

    This is very helpful. I’m a retired Law Enforcement officer… Thank you so much for this valuable information. There are so many child abductions in this country, this is so very valuable to everyone especially if the child has been forced by threats for silence… thank you…

  3. Grace

    Hi! Love these printable signs for my little ones. Can you please post the sign for “help”? Thank you!

    ADMIN – Hi Grace,

    The sign for help is posted.

  4. Carrie Stice

    How do I print the card for help? I see a link but it takes me to a video.

    ADMIN – Hi Carrie,

    At the time we do not have the card for help available in our collection.We are working on it.

  5. Kelly Sidley

    I am looking for how do you say “Tropical Smoothie Cafe” in sign language??

    ADMIN – Hi Kelly,

    Compound proper names are usually finger-spelled.

  6. Tint

    Thanks… In my toddler’s daycare today’s word was help. This helped us practice at home

  7. cerys

    Hi my son is 11 months and we started signing at 5 months at first he signed most of the basics and we continued to expand and he began signing other signs he was interested in like tree , light , bubbles, lion etc now at 11 months he can say most of the signs or can say them but can’t sign them. Now all of a sudden he has stopped signing and chooses to point to what he wants and talks all the time so now we are not sure how to proceed with signing ? Can you help?

    ADMIN-Hi Cerys,
    Baby sign language is transitional and mainly used to help your little one during the pre-verbal stage. Once a baby learns how to speak there is minimal need for signing. If your baby is speaking focus on enhancing his language skills. When he is older you can introduce sign language again to encourage multilingual skills.

  8. Nikki

    Great video, thank you so much! I teach a Dual Spanish/English class and sign language helps them remember their sight words in both languages.


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