
Make the hot sign by taking your fingers and thumb into a claw shape. Now starting with your claw hand over your mouth, move the hand away from your mouth and rotate it so that you end the sign with your palm facing outward. Flatten out your leading hand.

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Hot is a useful intermediate sign to teach your baby when they start eating more independently. Babies will often not fully understand the laws of thermodynamics and put hot food in their mouth. When your baby puts something a little too hot in their mouth or hand, make the sign and wince a little to help them learn the sign.


Flash Card

A great way to teach the hot and cold signs is to use some warm and cool water and put your baby's hand or foot in each.


6 Responses to “Hot”

  1. Deena Lancaster

    I’m a retired Sp Ed teacher. I am so grateful for your dictionary. I am referring mommies that I help. You helped a mom with twins (one deaf) to communicate with them. She had severe post-partum and was giving up. I truly believe you saved her sanity, if not her life. It was that bad for her. Thank you so much. Mommies are requesting your series to learn by. If toddlers are difficult, they know teenagers will be impossible!!

  2. Malika

    I came across this website in search of summer words for language and literacy use my toddlers in daycare. What a wonderful resource!

  3. Katie

    @Yoyo it doesn’t matter which hand you use. one hand (either) becomes the ‘action hand’. i’m right-handed, so my right hand does all the one-handed signs. for two-handed signs, where one hand is doing something differently from the other, my right hand is the one that does the (bigger) movements. you can use either hand, you just have to be consistent with which you use.

  4. Debbie

    Thank you my granddaughter. She has cerebral palsy and needs help doing this as do I. This has been a big help for us.

  5. Janeen Robertson

    I came across your website in my search for baby sign language to use with my fourth baby. I did not use it or even really know about baby sign language with the other three but I heard from a friend it was great to be able to communicate with your baby from a very early age. I love it! My daughter is six months old and I am able to sign things to her already. Thank you for this great tool and for making it so user friendly! A will definitely recommend thus site.


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