
To sign play, for the ASL letter 'Y' with both hands: stick your thumbs and pinkie fingers out, while curving the rest of your fingers in. Then wiggle both 'Y' hands around and in front of you, as if suggesting a bunch of kids playing or running about.

Hero Image


Teach this sign so that your baby or toddler can know the general concept of play in its many forms. You can also teach it while you are dressing your baby up, getting him ready for a play date with friends.


Flash Card

Teach play in the context of a real-life scenario, not just using the flash card. It is easiest for your baby to connect the concept to actual play dates, or when you play with him or her using their toys and other games.


6 Responses to “Play”

  1. Kris

    Hi, Is there a sign for “pick me up” so my toddler can do this sign when they want to be picked up?

  2. Claire

    This was helpful I am teaching my one year old daughter to do sign language for her deaf aunt. And I just could not remember how to do the sign for play

  3. OP

    Is there a specific sign for “tickle”, please? Thank you.

    ADMIN-Hi Jennifer,

    The sign for tickle is as follows, bring dominant hand to chin, stretch neck up and “tickle” under chin by wiggling all your fingers.

  4. Carrie Nelson

    My name is Carrie and I’m an occupational therapy graduate student. I’m creating a handbook of manual signs for my master’s project and was wondering if I would be able to use a couple of your pictures in the handbook (the “cartoon” female with the green shirt). I have most of the signs from lifeprint.com (with permission) but there are a few that I’d rather use from this site if possible. This handbook will be available to OT students for use during their pediatric clinical experiences, in order to promote communication with children who already use signs. This will not be for sale (no profit will result from the distribution of this handbook). Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for your time!

    Carrie Nelson, OTS

    ADMIN – Hi Carrie,

    Sounds like a great project. That is fine with us.


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