Letter Z

The letter Z is signed by holding up the index finger of your dominant hand, palm facing out with the rest of the fingers drawn into a fist, and tracing the letter 'Z' with your index in the air.

Hero Image


Teach your toddler the letter Z sign when it is necessary to finger-spell some simple words - or the initials of objects, places, animals, or people's names. That way, your toddler slowly begins to associate the sign with the sound of the letter in a word or name.


Flash Card

This is a useful flash card taught best in conjunction with the other letters of the alphabet.


6 Responses to “Letter Z”

  1. jordyn

    Hi, my name is Jordyn. I’m 10. I want to help my baby sister learn sign language, but she doesn’t even know how to talk. What should I do?
    P.S. I’m new to sign language.

    • Baby Sign Language Administrator

      Hi Jordyn, I think it’s great that you want to help your baby sister learn how to sign! This site can help you (to help her) without her needing to know how to talk. This is exactly the reason for BSL: most babies learn how to sign with their hands faster than they can communicate with words, so this helps to lessen their frustration because they’ll be able to sign what they need or want from you, and you’ll understand them. Start here: https://babysignlanguage.com/basics/. Watch the video first, then click on the links beside the video. You can search our Dictionary pages (arranged alphabetically) so you can start learning signs that you can teach your little sister. Learn them alphabetically, or learn any sign as your need arises. Have fun!

    • Baby Sign Language Administrator

      Hi Jordyn,

      We do not directly give sign language lessons, but feel free to browse our Dictionary pages or buy any of our sets, as needed. Our free dictionary pages are an easy and fun way to teach yourself many of the signs that can help you communicate with babies and toddlers. Thanks for stopping by!


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