Usage: It is easiest to teach the all done sign in the context of meal times than using the flash card. Once baby understand how to sign all done for food, you can start expanding use to other contexts such as when they are finished playing with a toy or finished listening to music. At this stage you can also introduce the flash card, to further enrich their understanding of the word.
To learn how and when to teach the sign, take a look at the all done page for a video, diagram, and tutorial.
I love your program, easy to learn and good to teach our daughter.
It won’t let me copy the pdf’s. I copied book but can’t copy the other 9 signs. Please advise me what I can do to copy these. I purchased the deluxe kit but wanted to get some signs to play with my great grandson. Thanks! Lynne Weis
ADMIN – Hi Lynne,
To save each Baby Sign Language Flash Card PDF just right-click (apple-click if you have a Mac) and select Save As.