Usage: Eating is one of our favorite signing opportunities. We sign foods, we sign more and we sign all done as part of our meal repertoire.
To learn how and when to teach the sign, take a look at the eat page for a video, diagram, and tutorial.
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Am trying to teach my grandson how to do sign language. It’s hard to talk to him he doesn’t speak at all.
ADMIN – Hi Kathleen,
Start with basic signs like “food” and “more”. Once he gets a grasp of the concept, you can include signing through songs and other games.
This is great. Even for a 10 year old yes I am ten and my friend parents are deaf so I need to learn. This help me out with some words thank you
Love this site. I have always had a desire to learn to sign! I watch children in my home and my granddaughter lives with me so with this I can teach them sign language and reading words.Thank you so much for making this available with no charge as I cannot afford to pay!