It seems this year is moving at incredible speeds. I feel like it was just yesterday we spent time talking about the way we would tackle learning baby sign language in 2017. Easter will be here before we know it, and we are going to start working on the skills needed to sign the most relevant… Reads more »
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Want Your Baby Signing Quicker? – Consider Group Learning
Let’s face it; communication at the very core is a social activity. Because of this we are likely to obtain quicker results if we look for ways to make teaching and learning all forms of communication inclusive of baby sign language in a highly social context. Mom & I In the first stages of learning… Reads more »
Give Your Baby Gifts That Last a Lifetime

Yesterday as I scrolled down my Facebook feed I noticed that many new moms were asking about gift ideas for their baby’s first Christmas. The plethora of options was overwhelming. There are endless toys and gadgets that make the decision-making process overwhelming and on occasion painful. These conversations led me to email a good friend… Reads more »
Christmas Time Baby Sign Language

We love everything about the holidays and we hope you do too. With a little less than three weeks to go before Christmas we wanted to share with you a few baby sign language Christmas themed signs. We hope to have a great time teaching your toddler seasonally relevant signs. If you have not yet… Reads more »
The Pick-Three Method – This is The Best Way to Simplify Learning & Play During The Formative Years
I am easily overwhelmed by clutter. Unfortunately I am also very easily tempted by the idea of having new things. When I became a mom my life was turned upside down and things were often chaotic. To alleviate some of my stress I reached out to a friend whose area of expertise is learning through… Reads more »