Smiling baby
Easiest way to teach your baby to sign!
Signing time


The sign for no is like that scolding teacher in high school that always says no to everything. The sign looks like a mouth saying no. Take your index finger together with your middle finger and tap them together with your thumb.


Do you really want to teach your baby no? :) Seriously, no is a wonderful way for a baby to avoid frustration by enabling them to communicate when they object to something. You can teach no whenever you ask questions to give your baby an option. Say you offer your baby their pacifier, and she does not take it. You can then say, "No - you don't want the pacifier."


Flash Card

No is a sign that is easier to teach in real life rather than using a flash card. You can still use the flash cards for other things like teaching your baby to recognize words when she gets a little older.


3 Responses to “No”

  1. Sara


    Ummm….I was wondering how to sign the word “name”. It isn’t in your dictionary.

    I am an adult, but am learning sign language too. Thank you! 🙂

    ADMIN – Hi Sara,

    Point your index and middle fingers of both hands toward the person in front of you, close your pinky and ring fingers against your palm. Tap the top of your non dominant index with the bottom of your dominant middle finger once.

  2. Fiona

    How do you sign, no spitting? Thanks

    ADMIN – Hi Fiona,

    We sign spitting by grabbing our lips with the tips of all our fingers on our dominant hand pulling the motion forward and pointing with the index toward the front. To sign “no spitting” first move your head in a negatory motion and then sign spitting.


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