HOME / DICTIONARY / Toothbrush


The toothbrush sign looks like you are brushing your teeth with your finger. To sign toothbrush, extend your index finger and rub it back and forth in front of your teeth.

HOME / DICTIONARY / Toothbrush
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Making the sign for toothbrush before you brush prepares your baby for the activity and seems to reduce fussiness.


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Start teaching this sign when your baby shows curiosity about your own oral routine. Get him or her a baby toothbrush and incorporate songs and signing as part of the brushing routine.


55 Responses to “Toothbrush”

  1. Martha

    My daughter likes to brush her teeth, she does suck the water out of the toothbrush at times. We brush everything, the roof of mouth, tongue, teeth, and lol lips causes she closes them on me sometimes. But all in all, we have fun with it,

  2. Yolanda Rainey

    My child enjoys brushing his teeth, giving him a chance to play in the water. Thanks for the sign!

  3. Yanci Sanchez

    Gracias por la enseñanza ,siempre es bueno aprender algo nuevo para nosotros como familia .

  4. Shirley

    It was very helpful to me. I share custody and don’t always have my great granddaughter with me, but we are teaching her sign language and one of the grandmothers is teaching her Spanish, so the signing for brushing and the songs will help me.

    • Briana

      Helpfully information. My daughter is starting to brush her teeth by herself.

  5. Andreina

    Que buena información, a mi niño le enseñan lenguaje en señas en su colegio, con esto puedo reforzarlo

  6. Gloria Holliday

    My son always ask for his toothbrush and says Mommy put the stuff on it I wet the toothbrush then I give it to him he brushes

  7. Diomaris

    My Baby Girl Loves Brushing Teeth Time But All She Wants To Do Is Suck On The Brush… She Likes Sucking The Water/Toothpaste I Guess…

  8. Sylvia

    I’m glad this was on here, I am working with a speech specialist with child and we are having to use sign language with child so this helped.

  9. Amber

    My baby is 1years old and some weeks and he loves brushing his teeth morning and at night

  10. trishenna

    my child loves brushing but without toothpaste what do I do

    ADMIN – Hi Trish,

    Try different flavor toothpaste.

  11. Gilmene

    My kids love asking me for the brush to brush their teeth but as soon as the toothpaste finish the want me to put more

  12. Dianne Lee

    My child ask to brush his teeth in morning but I still taught him the sign language

  13. karina

    my baby is only 8 months old I bought her a teething brush also helps for her to keep clean gums

      • Baby Sign Language Administrator

        That’s a good first step. Try experimenting with different kiddie toothpaste flavors. Hopefully, your toddler will latch on to a fave flavor soon. Good luck!

      • Baby Sign Language Administrator


        Maybe you should try various flavored toothpastes based on her favorite fruit flavors. Also, reflect on the usual setting or situation before you try to get her to brush her teeth. If there is anything unpleasant in that routine for her, she will naturally associate something negative as well to brushing her teeth. Don’t be afraid to try new tactics for getting her to brush her teeth, and try to inject positive associations with these as much as possible. Good luck!


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