Many of our babies are quickly becoming active and inquisitive toddlers. As parents and educators we are to join our little ones side-by-side as they discover the world around them and learn new skills that will remain with them for a lifetime. Both SAHM and working moms often find themselves in the kitchen… Reads more »
Posts By: Mey Lau
A Sweet & Encouraging Baby Sign Language Story From India

We are Alok and Aswathy and we are deaf parents, working professionals and founders of r of Talking Hands India a sign language resource in India dedicated to teaching ISL. As a sign language-dependent family it was important for us to introduce our hearing baby to signing early on in his development; that led us… Reads more »
Baby Sign Language for Autumn & Cooler Days
I am counting the days until my favorite season arrives. Shorter cooler days, two awesome family holidays and milder weather to spend outdoors are just some of the reasons we are stoked about autumn. Now that your kids have gone back to school and you are enjoying the very last days of the summer it… Reads more »
Back to School Stress? Five Baby Signs to Help Your Toddler Transition Successfully
For most of us this week was marked by transitions. Social media feeds with first day of school pictures, last minute errands and a deep sense of anxiety for everyone as we face the natural challenges of a new grade, new routines and new friends. If you have toddlers going to daycare for the… Reads more »
Elise’s Baby Sign Language Story – This is How Baby Signs Saved The Day
Growing up I always heard my grandparents saying: ” Learn as much as you can as early as you can, and as quickly as you can. You Never know when you are going to need the knowledge”. Preparing for the unknown became second nature in our home. A few days ago I received the sweetest… Reads more »