When a parent seeks out our resources we can safely assume that there is a great deal of love and enthusiasm towards learning. After all, baby signs are usually embraced by families with a higher level of education that firmly believe in the value of going the extra mile. If you are one of those… Reads more »
Posts By: Mey Lau
Learn Our Top Winter Baby Signs

For many families winter is a special time of discovery and a time to build memories. Some head to beautiful ski resorts for a few days, others are lucky enough to live in a place where snow is a natural feature of the winter season. Let’s make the best out of it and learn a… Reads more »
How Do I Teach My Baby Sign Language?
If you are a new mama or a new to signing mama you are probably mystified by the idea of a pre-verbal baby communicating through signs. You have asked friends and family and now you are recurring to the internet to finally figure out how exactly is it that babies learn their first signs. Grab… Reads more »
Fifteen Baby Signs Every Baby Needs to Know
The benefits of teaching your baby how to use baby sign language are endless and so are the number of signs available to learn and teach. If you are a first time mama or a daycare provider trying to prioritize and ensure the signs your babies are learning are relevant and useful take a moment… Reads more »
What to Do When Your Already Verbal Toddler Stops Talking – Dealing with Selective Mutism

Real and perceived speech delays are not uncommon in babies and toddlers. In fact as many of 10% of all children suffer from a voice, speech or swallowing disorder that they may later overcome. Addressing the needs of a child with speech delays early on, while challenging, is still less traumatic than facing a child… Reads more »